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Band & Musician Sign Up

Welcome to the Moorestown Porch Fest Band Sign-Up! 🎶 We’re thrilled you’re interested in bringing your sound to Porch Fest. Your performance will help create an unforgettable day of music, community, and fun—and all proceeds raised will support an in-town nonprofit.
We're working on making the event an even bigger success for it's second year - we'd love for you to be a part of it!
If this is your first year joining us in Mo-Town, check out our Band FAQ for details.

Primary Contact First Name

Primary Contact Last Name

Email Address

Phone Number

Band Name

How Many Members Are In Your Band?

Include Any Additional Emails You'd Like Us to CC on Communications

Include Any Links Where We Can Find Your Band Online

Select Your Music Genre(s)

Select Your Music Genre(s)

Tell Us About Your Band. What's your style, and do you lean towards cover versions or originals?

Amplified or Acoustic

Amplified or Acoustic

Include a Link Where We Can Preview Your Music

Where Are You Located?

Where Are You Located?

Has Previously Played at Moorestown Porch Fest?

Has Previously Played at Moorestown Porch Fest?
~If your band has re-named or reformed since you last played at Moorestown Porch Fest, select "No, this would be our first time...".

What's A Good Mailing Address for ?

Is anyone in your band also playing with another group at Porch Fest?

Is anyone in your band also playing with another group at Porch Fest?

Attach Any Images You'd Like Us to Use for Promotion

If you don't have a go-to, we'd prefer a performance or group picture instead of a logo.

Include Any Comments for Our Team

Once we receive and review your entry you'll receive a confirmation email from [email protected]. Multiple people have mentioned finding this email in their spam folder.